The prices advertised on this Site are for Internet orders unless otherwise noted. Prices on some items may differ from those charged directly by Agilant Solutions, Inc. Prices and the availability of items are subject to change without notice. Any "list prices" used on this Site are provided by product manufacturers, distributors or determined based upon comparable products and are subject to change. Your purchase price may vary.
We reserve the right to limit sales, including the right to prohibit sales to re-sellers. While we make every effort to provide accurate information, inaccuracies or errors may occur. We are not responsible for such errors. We reserve the right to make changes, corrections, and/or improvements to the information contained on this Site and to the products and programs described in such information, at any time without notice.
There may be certain orders that we are either unable to accept or must cancel. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order for any reason, including those made to resellers. Possible circumstances involving our canceling an order may be limitations on quantities available for purchase or inaccuracies or errors in product or pricing information.